Jurnal Hukum to-ra : Hukum Untuk Mengatur dan Melindungi Masyarakat

Jurnal Hukum to-ra : Hukum untuk mengatur dan melindungi masyarakat is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer an international academic platform for cross-border legal research in multiple governance policies and civil rights law, particularly in developing and emerging countries. These may include but are not limited to various fields such as civil law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, customary institution law, religious jurisprudence law, international regime law, legal pluralism governance, and another section related to contemporary issues in legal scholarship.


Editor In-Chief :

Petrus Irwan Panjaitan, (Google Scholar ID: 3Jg8MScAAAAJ) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Managing Editor : 

Erni Murniarti, (Scopus ID: 57209458494) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Editors : 

Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, (Scopus ID: 34871723100) School of Business and Law Wdith Cowan University, Australia

Gopala Sasie Rekha, (Scopus ID: 57217850029) Winchester University, England, United Kingdom

Arie Afriansyah, (Scopus ID: 57209715185) Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Robertus Nugroho Perwiro Atmojo, (Scopus ID: 56026616500) Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia

Hulman Panjaitan, (Scopus ID: 57216863158) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Hendri Jayadi, (Scopus ID:) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Tomson Situmeang, (Google Scholar ID: he1xuz8AAAAJ&hl=en) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Nanin Koeswidi Astuti, (Scopus ID: 57188655960) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Edward M.L Panjaitan, (Google Scholar ID: PleUbKYAAAAJ&hl=en) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Lonna Yohanes Lengkong, (Google Scholar ID: 4oEnw9gAAAAJ&hl=id) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Rospita Adelina Siregar, (Google Scholar ID: 5y48-1IAAAAJ&hl=id) Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

The appointment of the manager of the TORA legal journal can be download here(SK Pengangkatan Pengurus Jurnal)


A journal to publish high-quality articles published for all aspects of research and the latest extraordinary developments in the field of Law. This journal number published by p-ISSN: 2442-8019 and e-ISSN 2620-9837 is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Kristen Indonesia which discusses the Law to regulate and protect the public. The purpose of the To-ra Journal is to disseminate conceptual thought and research findings that have been approved in the field of Law. This journal has been Nationally Accredited SINTA 4 based on the Letter of Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 225/E/KPT/2022

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access type Open Access
Lisensi Creative Commons
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